

Our mission is to inform you in an impartial way, without obligations, to carry out work by us and to accompany you in all the stages of inspection, evaluations and corrective works on your building regarding the structure: foundations, exterior walls and interior carriers and roof structure, all of this with the contractor of your choice. Consulting one of our experienced structural and building engineers will increase your chances of making your building safe, increase its life expectancy, preserve your investment and make the most of your building.

We have a group of experienced engineers members of the OIQ – l’Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec – who work with an extensive network of technicians and other professional specialists in building engineering: building designers, inspectors, soil and fungicide testing laboratories as well as thermal analysis inspectors who give you the benefit of their experience and accompany you as expert consultants.

We work with an extensive network of technicians and other professional specialists in building engineering: building designers, inspectors, soil and fungicide testing laboratories as well as thermal analysis inspectors who give you the benefit of their experience and accompany you as expert consultants.

SolutionStructureBatiment.com is headed by Mr. Daniel Dargis president of the Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. Group in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Mr. Dargis has more than 30 years of experience in residential and commercial construction and renovation, building engineering, management and realization of construction projects in Canada. Mr. Dargis is very experienced because at the beginning of his career he worked himself as a journeyman carpenter and general contractor RBQ, member of the APCHQ, in the construction of new houses and commercial projects. He now acts as an impartial advisor to self-builders, general contractors, real-estate investors and business people: in inspection, structural calculation, plan design, compliance report, project budgeting, project follow-up, or before the purchase of buildings.


SolutionStructureBatiment.com is part of an important grouping of construction experts in engineering, architecture and design. This grouping makes it possible to be in contact with numerous consultants, professionals and entrepreneurs in Québec in order to carry out your work. These sites are:

Our Website Group

logo https://www.dargisconstruction.com/
logo https://www.constructiongaragemontreal.com/
logo https://www.toituremontrealroofers.com/
logo https://www.renovationcuisinesalledebain.com/
logo https://www.agrandissementmaisonmontreal.com/
logo https://www.expertdubatiment.com/
logo https://www.renovationsoussol.com/
logo https://www.constructionmaisonneuve.com/
logo https://www.inspectionfacades.com/
logo https://www.montrealcie.com/
logo https://www.canada-visa-business.com/
logo https://www.businessimmigrationcanada.com/
logo https://www.constructionbusinesscenter.com/
logo https://www.experienceenentreprise.com/
logo https://solutionstructurebatiment.com
logo https://businesstripcanada.com/